TiCk ToCk TiMeR

Tuesday 13 December 2011

TriMe kasiH.............

Lately I was really2 sad.... y??? bcoz many things happen in my life.. family matters, study, friends n lotz more... sometimes I felt like I'm lost hope....hurmmmmmm...n the worst is dat somtimes, I even blame Fate....

one day, my friend said to me "Wani, mungkin kite terlalu sibok kejar dunia, smpai kite lupa'n bekalan akhirat..kite lupe kn ALLAH.....sbb tu ALLAH uji kite, supaye kite ingt semula kpd ALLAH...sebab ape?? sebab ALLAH  MAHA PENYAYANG....."

hurmmm....bile d pikir kn blk, ape y kwn aku ckp tu btol.......aku sebok kejar dunia, n bg aku cukop stakat solat 5 waktu.... aku lupe y amalan aku sbnr nye SANGAT  laaaaaaaaa tipis....aku lupe y aku sebenarnye daa terlalu jaoh melupakan ALLAH........skrg aku sedar, n aku bersyukur sgt2, sebab sume ni wt aku sedar, dunia bkn lah segale gale nye... akhirat y kekal abadi......hidop aku x bermakne kalao aku cume berjaye di dunia, tp merane d akhirat kelak....dan aku juga percaye,  ALLAH  x kn uji  hambaNya lebih dr kemampuan diorg...

Insya ALLAH aku akn perbaiki klmhn aku...thankz to all who were always wit me during my sad n happy moments......n also, thankz 4 ur advice......

TriMe kaSiH  seBaB slalu ingT kn aKu Y Slalu Lupe

Sunday 20 November 2011

I Will Always ReMeMBeR These WorDs

Throw away any hatred for anyone from your heart so that you will not carry sins for a lifetime. Forgiving others is the best attitude to take!

When real people fall down in life, they get right back up and keep on walking.
Michael Patrick King

Believe that life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact.
 William  James

I must govern the clock, not be governed by it.
Golda Meir

People who cannot find time for recreation are obliged  later to find time for illness.
John Wanamaker

Hope is not a dream, but a way of making dreams become reality

InterneT's CrImE

The ArTicLe

My  CommenTs  : 
It is the new millennium, and we are at the dawn of the Information Age. The Information transformation has been following computers changing throughout the past few years. Along with the Internet, an emerging group of elite cyber-surfers have turned into today's computer hackers. Most people don't know about them, most people don't know they exist, but they are out there, waiting for the next victim. In reality, it is not nearly as bad as it sounds, and there chances that it won't happen to you. Thus, precautions are still a pioneer to avoid these things from happening.
There are many fields of hacking on the Internet. The most popular type of hacking is software piracy. According to estimates by the government’s control, as much as RM28.5 billion of software may be illegally copied and distributed annually worldwide. Hackers pirate software merely by uploading software bought in a store to the Internet. Uploading is  sending information from point A (client) to point B (host), while downloading is the  opposite. Once it is uploaded to the Internet, people all over the world have access to it. From there, hackers trade and distribute the software.
Another field of hacking on the Internet is electronic-mail (email) hacking. A hacker can intercept email enroute and read it with no detection. To safeguard this, companies use encryption programs and no one but the sender and its recipient can read it. A mail bomb is another type of hack on the Internet. A mail bomb is simply an attack unleashed by dumping hundreds or thousands of email messages onto a specific address. The only way to fix this problem is to either delete each message one by one, or to call your ISP for help. Email forgery is also common. A hacker can change the return address on any given piece of email to anything they want. This is illegal because you can use someone else's address to send fraudulent email to people.
In the Internet, credit card fraud is also common. Perhaps the most occured is the ability to create false accounts. There are many users were using fake credit card numbers. The scary part is, that almost none of them were caught. Yet another fraud on the Internet is the selling of carded merchandise. Although is it not common, people take real credit cards numbers and buy expensive electronics by phone and then sell them, on the Internet for extremely low prices. There is a huge amount of lost by consumers who have credit card and calling card numbers stolen from online databases. The latest type of Internet crime is “Get Rich Quick Scheme”, where other people sending pyramid schemes and chain letters to people by the thousands. These schemes are illegal scams designed to get your money.
Other type of Internet Crime are viruses, pornography, “warez”, bombs and others. The Internet actually has many good things about it. But, with all good things comes the downside of humanity. The law should recognised and enforced them as the hackers had gone beyond their rights.

HisTorY Of The InTerneT

The ArTicLe :

My  CommenTs : 
Starting out as a small military experiment some years ago, the internet is quickly becoming one of the most popular forms of communication the world over. With a present population of about 40 million users worldwide, it seems  to have a very promising future. Uncensored and almost impossible to monitor, it’s a breeding ground for all sorts of offensive and derogatory information. On the other hand, it is probably the biggest single source of data the best single best of data in the world brought home into your personal computer. During the 1960, this intriguing concept of a decentralized, blastproof, packet-switching network was kicked around by RAND, MIT, and UCLA. The National Physical Lab in great Britain set up the first test network on these principles in 1968.
The first nodes of the Intemet were built by the RAND corporation. They faced the problem of keeping communications between U.S. authorities active in the aftermath of a nuclear war. The country needed a command-and-control nefwork. The biggest problem was protecting the main server, which could be knocked out by a single atomic warhead. RAND come up with the solutionn 1964. The new network would have no central authority, and secondly, it would be designed to operate in shambles. During the 1960's, this intriguing concept of a decentralized, blastproof, packers smirching network was kicked around by RAND, MIT and UCLA. The National Physical Laboratory in Great Britain set up the first test network on these principles in 1968. Shortly afterward, the Pentagon's Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) decided to fund a larger ambitious project in the USA. The nodes of the network were to be high-speed supercomputers at the time. These were rare and valuable machines which were in real need of good solid networking, for the sake of  national research-and-development projects.
The internet is just starting to have a large impact on society. It seemed to come out of nowhere, popping up in magazines and on the news. The internet is now becoming an influential communications medium to over 40 million people worldwide.  Many of these people are becoming aware of the internet’s commercial capabilities and they are taking advantage on them. According to some recent estimates, the amount of traffic on the Internet has been increasing 10 % per month, and the number of new applications and services has been increasing quickly. There are tens of thousands of sites scattered throughout the World Wide Web.  The present day estimate of the number of Internet users worldwide is somewhere between 20 and80 million. This is a huge increase to the number just decade ago. The Internet is full of technology and full of tools, all of which help you to send and receive electronic mail, participate in discussions about topics, and access information resources.

HuMaN ReSouRCe


The  arTicle

My  CommenTs  : 

Leadership is not a position, title, or privilege, instead, it is a responsibility and a process-an observable, understandable, learnable set of skills and practices available to everyone, anywhere in the organization. Leadership is the indirect ability to influence people by setting an inspiring example-not just any sort of example but one that inspires people to pursue goals that benefit the organization. It is indirect because true leaders don't have to try to influence intentionally. Leadership involves creating a vision of the future, devising a strategy for achieving that vision, and communicating the vision, so that everyone understands and believes in it. Leadership also entails building a culture that will inspire and motivate people to overcome obstacles. In this way, leadership gets results and brings about change.
A successful leaders possess greater drive, that is, achievement, sense of responsibility, ambition, energy, tenacity, and initiative. They also are persons with high  motivation,  honesty and integrity, extraversion, high self-confidence, persuasive, diplomatic, socially skilled, conceptual ability or creative thinking and business knowledge. This does not mean, however, that just because a person has these characteristics that he or she will be a successful leader or even be a leader. The evidence shows that leaders tend to differ from nonleaders with respect to the traits listed. Also, the evidence does not show that leaders are born. They are much more than a combination of traits. To succeed, leaders do not have to be intellectual geniuses, but they do have to have certain capabilities.
 Human skills are related to interpersonal relationships and include managing individual performance, motivating and disciplining subordinates, monitoring, performance, providing feedback, and improving communications. These ski1ls require the ability to understand the feelings, attitudes, and motives of others and the ability to communicate clearly and persuasively. Skills such as analytical ability, logical thinking, and inductive and deductive reasoning are considered conceptual. A certain set of traits and skills, however, does not guarantee successful leadership. Each situation may have particular requirements that make one trait or skill more important in one situation than in another. For example, many people are influenced by the physical height of a person, which is the taller the person is, especially for a man, the more potential the person seems to have, to be selected as a manager. Possession of the qualities like this however doesn’t guarantee for becoming an excellent leader. The conclusion is, it takes more than certain traits to be a successful leader, as well as the behaviour.

Saturday 19 November 2011

I'm AddicTed WiTh..

I am really addicted with any kind of extreme sports.  I started to love these activities since I was 17. After sitting for my SPM, I was doing a part time job at the store. Normally during my Off- Duty Day, I was feeling very bored as I don’t know what to do, until one day, when I was surfing the Internet, I read a blog about his hobby doing extreme sports. I was very attracted to his posts. Then I started to try some easy extreme sports like mountain cycling and absailing with my friends. That was the moment I fall in love with extreme sports.
First, let me introduce you to Extreme Sports. Extreme sports which also called adventure sports, are a media term for certain activities perceived as having a high level of inherent danger. These activities often involve speed, height, high level of physical exertion, highly specialized gear or spectacular stunts. Extreme Sports include skiing, rock climbing, boating, mountain biking, skydiving, river rafting, drafting, skateboarding, scuba diving, snowboarding and lot more.
At first, I was doing the extreme sports to overcome the fears and also to have more stunt experience. Then I noticed that sports teach me to triumph over hard times in life as well as increasing my creative thinking. Now, I also taking sports as an important ways for me to keep fit and stay healthy.  Every time I did extreme sports, I will take the pictures as my sweet memories. I’m proud to show those pictures to my family and friends.
When I further my study at Polytechnic Johor Bahru, I joined Tourism Club as well as “Kelab Kembara or Travelling Club”. The only reasons I joined those club was to participate any trip and any extreme sports. I have the experience on caving, absailing, cycling, rafting and many more. Thus, for joining these activities, I’ve travelled to many places such as Langkawi, Pahang, Perak, Melaka, Johor and others. When I had an activity at a place, I would grab any opportunities to discover about the history, attractions, customs and also about the people at the area. 

 whiTe  WaTer  RafTing
 Rock  Climbing

Waterfall Absailing

Tuesday 15 November 2011

sTuDenT LiFe !!!

School   TiMe
I started to get to know the world when I stepped into school life. I really miss that time! Really miss my friends! I got two best friends ( Mira + Nadiah ) whom I met since I was 8 years old.. Until now, they  are always with me during my happy and sad time.
Nadiah N  Mira

PoLyTechNiC  JoHoR  BahRu
After finishing my secondary school, I further my study at Polytechnic Johor Bahru. At first, I refuse to further my study, but, I did it for the sake of my future...haha... I've done lot of interesting activities as I took Tourism course..
Cik  mYrA
EiN  +  WaNi  +  LiSa
wit   AfIq
mR.  aLanG   a.k.a   mR. BoYoT


WhiTe  WaTeR  RaFTinG
TriP   To  caMeroN
TemPuRunG   CaVe

Endau  EchO  ChaLLenGe

UiTM   In My  HearT

 September 2011 was a "Keramat" date for me. I registered myself  without my willing, to  UiTM  KBM.  I was doing so as my family insisted me to go for undergrad program. 
I'm an undergrad student of Business Management, Bachelor in Human Resource  at KBM.  I will fight for this course for three years. At here, I stay at  Yayasan Melaka  College. I am proud to be the student of KBM as it is one of  the most popular university in Malaysia. 

At first  I was very upset, as I dont have any body to help me in my study. There was a time, I had a feeling to quit my study, but after I got compatible with the atmosphere at KBM, I'm starting to enjoy my study. Other reason that encourage me is my mom's hope to see her daughter having a Degree. I also was influenced by my beloved friends  at here, they are Wahidah, Dura,  Yana, and Izni who always helped me in my study  I've promised myself that I will  strive at KBM , for my future !!! We have promised to compete between  us, to be the best!!

My ClassMaTe

Dura  +  Yana  +  Wahidah
(Thaks a lot as you are always with me, supporting me in my study )

( My Beloved Room Mate )

Saturday 12 November 2011


sMiLe  FoR  " AweT  MuDa"

What is SNWH??? Why put SNWH???? What's with SNWH?????  I know all of u are wondering what does SNWH stands for?? hahahaha....
I know u might guess it's a combination name of my boyfriend & me or my bestfriends and my name and others... hahahaaa...
If you guess so, then u're definitely wrong....heheheehe

Hurmm, as the demand for the answer is extremeley high, today, I, Wani a.k.a. Melati announce that SNWH is Siti Noriah Wan Halimi Wan Hazwani
SN =>is my beloved mom's name     
WH => the first letter of my late father's name, and also my name

Talking about my siblings, I'm  the middle + I'm the only girl. 
I have 2 eldest brother and 2 younger brother ( actually I have 3 younger bro, but the last one died in an accident ) .
Hazwani or in Arabian the meaning is  "A Gift From ALLAH"  , hahaha, of course, as I'm the only daughter that my parents have.

**Al-Fatehah for my late father and brother....

My  FaMiLy  MeMBeR

Aidil  FiTri  Eid
My  BeLoVeD  MaK